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Kia mate ururoa (karearea)
  • Kia mate ururoa (karearea)


    From an original painting by

    Rieko NZ

    Kārearea (NZ Native Falcon)

    Kaitiaki o te Ngahere, ka kite ia i tawhiti. Te wehi me te maia.

    Guardian of the Forest, he see's far and wide. Fearless and brave.


    Archival Fine Art Print

    Hahnemühle archival satin paper

    Signed, numbered

    Edition 100

    Image size 385*521mm

    Paper size 425*567mm

    The only New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae - a fast-flying bird of prey which often perches high in trees or on a rock and swoops to catch its prey. Karearea is known as the most agressive of all falcons in the world.

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